Abby Ahern

My intentions before starting my coil pot was that I wanted a sky scene. I wanted to make the pot have all the things in the sky- the moon, stars and wind. I knew I wanted to do a shorter and more compact shape to maintain structure. The only setback I had was having to restart the production of the pot itself. In the very beginning, as I was building my coils up, they wouldn't hold shape and it did not look how I wanted. If I did this project again I would allow myself more time to slowly build the structure of my pot. I would also draw out templates for my shapes I added on. For example, I would draw out a paper template for the stars. Another challenge I had was making the coil pot smooth. I struggled with making the pot look smooth and not all lumpy with the coils. Next time, I’d probably slow down the process by smoothing out each little part I add. Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this project and the freedom we had picking what we got to put on our pot. I liked the creative aspect of it.